Khi có tên lửa tầm nhiệt anh ta đã cho chiếc trực thăng bay thẳng lên trời và tắt máy đột ngột, bởi vì là tên lửa tầm nhiệt nên chúng không phát hiện ra chiếc trực thăng và lao vào nhau, chiếc trực thăng được an toàn
When the heat he gave the helicopter flying straight up into the sky and shut down abruptly, because the heat is so they are not spotted the helicopter and plunge into each other, the helicopter are safe
When a temperature range missiles he had to helicopter flying straight up into the sky and the sudden shutdown, because the temperature range missiles should they not discovered the helicopter and crashed into each other, the helicopter is safe
When the missile imaged he let the helicopter fly up to the sky, suddenly shut down because the rocket was hot, so we did not find each other in the helicopter, helicopter security