where d is the particle diameter,? ρ is the density of the particles over excess seawater,
g is the gravitational constant and ν is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. The
kinematic viscosity is temperature dependent and has an Strongly enormous Influence
on the behavior of particles of low Reynolds numbers. Nearly doubles ν from warm
surface waters (0:01 cm2 sec-1 at 20◦C) to cold bottom waters (0.018 cm2 sec-1 at
1◦C). As Stokes Originally áp law was to rigid, spherical particles impermeable
density of known, it is difficult to apply to nonspherical particles aggregated mà
most đại diện virtually particulate material in the ocean. Tuy nhiên, Stokes can then be
used to back-calculate the particle density of the aggregates as by.14 Discussed During
the last two decades empirical particle-size / settling-velocity relationships This đã
khác Developed for oceanic regimes (Figure 11.1). The data Reveal có organic
aggregates rich waters from surface at continental margins show much lower settling
velocities of similar size coal những but enriched in ballast. This lithogenic ballast is
added to the organic aggregates khi resuspension events.
The surface mixed layer at the top of the ocean varies in thickness from tens
of meters to Hundreds inside this layer and aggregate concentrations are related to
the processes of production, destruction, and sinking . Peak concentrations are often Do
located at the base of the surface mixed layer, mà can extend up to vài hundred
meters khi winter. This layer is subject to rapid changes in heat, turbulence, nutrients,
and depth of mixing. The peak concentrations at the base of the surface mixed
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