Trong hình 1 Họ là thành viên trong một gia đình. Đây là bố, mẹ, anh trai và em trai. Bô vả mẹ đang dạy con mình đ xem đạp. Họ chạy xe đạp mỗi buổi sáng để giữ gìn sức khỏe. Họ là một gia đình hạnh phúc.
In Figure 1They are members of a family.This is the father, mother, brother and brother.Besides his teaching mom potty dd see bicycles.They run a bicycle each morning to preserve health.They are a happy family.
In Figure 1 they are members of a family. This is my father, mother, brother and brother. parents are teaching their children watching Bicycle e. They cycled every morning to stay healthy. They are a happy family.