Có lần, vì mãi chơi, chúng tôi về nhà muộn, trên người lấm lem buồn đất, ba tôi rất tức giận. Ông ấy bắt chúng tôi nằm xuống và đánh đòn rất đau. Từ đó chúng tôi không bao giờ tái phạm nữa.
There are times, as always played, we came home late, on the ground, three working laboriously sad sequel to I am very angry. He took us to lie down and spanking hurts. From which we never do it again.
There was, as always playing, we got home late, on the dusty ground sad, my father is very angry. He ordered us to lie down and be very painful spanking. Since then we never relapse again.