The habit of making your heart stop beating without or knowYour heart will stop beating without or know if there bad habits here!Eating red meatRed meat contains more saturated fat, and there is scientific evidence shows the processed meat, smoked meat increases the risk of heart disease and colorectal cancer. Ideally, less than 10% of your diet is from animals or animal products, Dr. Ostfeld is recommended.Ignore snoring conditionSnoring can be a sign of a more serious problem such as stop breathing when sleeping. More than 18 million adult Americans stopped breathing when khủ make them increase the risk of heart disease. Dr. Robert Ostfeld in Montefiore Medical Center, New York City, recommends that if you were asleep and usually wake up tired, you go to see a doctor. There are some simple ways to sift stopped breathing when sleeping.No oral hygieneDr. Ostfeld said there are close relationships between the disease and cardiovascular disease. If you do not clean the plaque contains bacteria that accumulate over time, it can cause the disease. These bacteria can cause inflammation in the body. Inflammation promotes atherosclerosis. Therefore, treatment benefits can improve vascular function.Comfort foodThis happens even when we are not hungry, the main problem is you eat unhealthy foods: products that are high in fat, sugar and salt-rich foods are some of the most popular choices. In addition to making us fat, eating comfort is the main cause of heart disease risk.A matter of fact, about three out of four men in the us are overweight while only two of the three women who have excess weight. If you do not want to overweight, the answer is simple: avoid eating the food portion is too large, reduce the amount of sugar, increase the amount of water to drink, avoid fast foods and fried foods, fried.Increased alcohol consumptionHeart disease is one of the leading causes of death in America, and by removing the wine, you can reduce the risk of up to 50% or more. Remember that alcohol consumption is not affected directly to your heart, which is alcohol abuse affect the heart in a long time.-SmokingActive smoking or passive is "disaster" for your heart, Dr. Ostfeld said. -Smoking enhances formation of blood clots and plaque buildup contributes to the cause of the disease in the blood vessels.According To The Health & Beauty
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