Khói bụi từ Borneo, phía bắc Indonesia, đã thổi dọc bán đảo Malay đến Thái Lan. Bộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường Thái Lan đã yêu cầu Indonesia kiểm soát các đám cháy rừng.
Smoke from Borneo, Northern Indonesia, were blowing along the Malay Peninsula to Thailand. Ministry of natural resources and environment of Thailand has asked Indonesia to control forest fires.
Smog from Borneo, north of Indonesia, was blowing along the Malay Peninsula to Thailand. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Thailand has asked Indonesia to control forest fires.
The smoke from North Borneo, Indonesia, Thailand, the Malay Peninsula to blow. Ministry of resources and environment has asked Thailand and Indonesia to control forest fires.