Ruan Fuyuan is to respect the emperor after Emperor Xiaowen, there is no known s ---- I God (the Buddha). You are my sixth Wang Ruan huang. He succeeded his father from 1613 to 1635. You put on the imperial government Hue - Fu a year in 1626. You are a wise and intelligent. The older you grow, the more you show your talent. You will respect you and your important "heavenly generals to discuss work in the government official, there are too many things are right. He (Ruan Huang) know can give his own industry, but also to take care of you." You must take a big task, the father has been entrusted to you "I (Nguyen Hoang industry) did not complete when he died, I left my responsibility (Ruan Fuyuan, concentric) you should help my child, let it end into the industry. He went on to say: the land is a hue terrain obstacles, so it is convenient to use. Mountain, sea, river, can be in this place. If you know that teaches people to play in the construction industry of the Zheng family, enough eternal power. If not, try to maintain a stable land waiting for the chance to say I do not." This is your last hope, the first king in the dynasty (Ruan Ruanhuang) died, he was the heir, Ruan Fuyuan, has the responsibility to protect the territory and development of more powerful.
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