1. Blow down automatically controlled by controller EC (electrical conductivity)
Principle of operation:
automatic blowdown system is controlled by the EC controller operates on the conductivity of the water cooling tower, install EC on the limitation point control system. When water cooling tower conductivity probe is greater than the limit read the initial installation, the system enabled open solenoid valve opens to let go off the water in the system, the system will activate the solenoid valve when closed cooling tower water conductivity is less than the limit installation.
- control water quality cooling towers are located in the electrical conductivity limit settings
- Auto blow when high electrical conductivity
- when high cooling water conductivity, then discharged continuously until the conductivity is less than the limit settings, the risk to let go a lot of water in the system, affecting the operation (risk of water shortage is difficult to control).
- controlling the uncontrollable conductivity humus on the cooling tower
- consuming investment costs more
- need extract sugar sampling for measuring EC on the pipe
- 1 month / time to gauge the EC probe to ensure the accuracy
2 . Automatic blowdown is controlled by pH controller
Principle of operation:
automatic blowdown system is controlled by pH controller operates on cooling tower water pH, conduct limited pH point settings on the control system . When cooling tower water pH probe is greater than the limit read the initial installation, the system enabled open solenoid valve opens to let go in the water outside the system, the system will activate the solenoid valve shut when the conductivity smaller cooling tower water power limit settings.
- control water quality pH cooling tower is always in limited settings
- Auto blow when high pH
- when high pH cooling water, then continuous discharge until the pH is less than the limit settings, the risk to let go a lot of water in the system, affect the operations
- cost of investment costs more
- Need extract sugar sampling for measuring pH in the pipeline
- 1 month / time to gauge the pH probe to ensure accuracy
- not controlled pH control mulch on the cooling tower
3. Automatic blowdown is controlled by timer (applicable alternatives)
Principle of operation: blowdown system is controlled by a timer, blowdown system will operate when the time comes to install the timer and will stop when installation timed blow down 1 times.
- You can control the blowdown time, blowdown water flow daily to ensure efficient working systems
- low investment costs
- blowdown system cooling tower installed at the bottom of mulch should better control and conductivity
- Execution easy, does not affect the existing pipeline system
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