Summary Chapter 2
Chapter 2 was presented on the status of Outbound traveling through the travel company's first enterprise-specific travel: hoangyen - tour. Mucdich of this chapter is to xacdinhduoc situation attracting trip on the company's current lichOutbound hoangyen - tour through the tourist company in the province to bietduoc nhunguu HCMC points, nhuocdiem in attracting visitors. Thedua tudo have solutions to attract better, more efficiently, maintain links with travel companies expand andagree ketdo networking.
In this chapter, the concern here banduocde body capden:
1 . The situation overall development of the tourism industry: tourism ViệtNam we have made marked progress and growing rapidly. Travel back to the country ViệtNam cungdamang revenues and close nhapdang including contributing significantly to the state budget. Inside canhdo, tourism has limited vaidiem nhatdinh.
2. The number of tourists traveling abroad in the years ganday also increased significantly due to more open kiendi laida, spending power of the people is increasingly higher. Regarding the operation of the companies travelers licho Vietnam: travel business forces is growing, within 3 years the number of businesses ganday travel business keeps growing.
3. About the company hoangyen - tour: the history of the company, the business conditions of the company, the main business, the company's products, customer market, the situation of operations of the company during the year 2007 vadoi comments about the company.
4. A situation vaidanh price associated with 4 companies (corporate travel hotel, Tourism Open Company Limited Vietnam, the company and the company Opentour Hanoi startour) company hoangyen - tour: the commission hoangyen - pay-per-ticket tourist programs and processes for the company's tour tourism (9 steps).
5. A vaidanh price situation on the operation of the 5 companies in the sale of travel products hoangyen - tour: sales promotion method, a number of indicators of operations and evaluate feedback from customers.
Chapter III :
some solutions Nearby nhamthu traveling abroad (Outbound) through the tourist company in the province of HCMC companies hoangyen - tours
3.1 Orientations and objectives attract foreign traveling ( outbound) through the company's tourism companies hoangyen - tour in the near future:
• Planning of operations in the coming years of hoangyen - laday tour up the research environment in the tourism business developing countries with tourist potential in terms of tourism resources, such as natural resources and humanistic resources; system suppliers in tuyendiemdo; ... after attending baoduoc needs of middle-class tourists Vietnam in the coming years in order mucdich create new tourism products to attract tourists traveling abroad more.
• Continue to strengthen relationships with travel companies send customers associated with Vietran - tour: send e - mail to thiden companies; fax departure schedule and the moiden tour companies; FIT continues to gather, ... At the same time expanding and building partnerships with client companies send moidat greater efficiency.
• Continue to maintain good relations with organizations such as foreign embassies cacdai in Vietnam, airlines, government organizations or NGOs between Vietnam and your country in supporting the tourism business activities- Outbound.
• hoangyen - tour companies send visitors linked Madang companies work together to build more new tourism program attractive and reasonable price, based on user needs sodinh tourists.
• hoangyen - enhanced participation of tour activity which promote, marketing abroad programs calendar, the festival - tourism fairs to promote hinhanh mucdich of the company and have the opportunity to interact more with new partners in identifying cacdoi customers come from the company.
• hoangyen - strengthening relationship tour good for airlines of both Vietnam and foreign countries, make baocho tourism program of the company is carried hiendung as scheduled, while creating the high-quality services to satisfy the needs of visitors toida. The company is highly concerned cungdac direct flights with reasonable ticket prices, restrict the forwarding plane tiring for the visitors.
• hoangyen - tour cuongdao increase human resources and breeds of power supply market analysis travelers calendar, for knowledge and good negotiating ability. At the same time repeatedly asked employees throughout the company to hone their language skills and learn new language.
• In the coming years, hoangyen - phandau tour to further expand system linked companies in selling their products not only in the province Outbound TP-HC, but also across the country.
• hoangyen - tour also phandau Outbound tourists increased with tocdo average growth of 35%, focusing on encouraging passengers to new tour.
• In negotiations with companies send new customers, a need to present arguments logically, can
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