chiều dày các lớp cách nhiệt phải lấy lớn hơn hoặc bằng chiều dài đã tính toán được theo kích thước tiêu chuẩn. ta chọn tổng chiều dài lớp cách nhiệt là 200mm với 2 lớp x100
The thickness of the insulation layers must be greater than or equal to the calculated length according to standard dimensions. We choose the total length of the insulation layer to be 200mm with 2 layers x100
The thickness of the insulation layer must be greater than or equal to the length calculated based on standard dimensions. The total length of the insulation layer we have chosen is 200mm, with 2 layers x 100
The thickness of the insulation layer must be greater than or equal to the length calculated according to the standard size. The total length of insulation layer is 200mm, and there are two layers of x 100.