Anh ấy nói Phòng sản xuất chương trình đã được duyệt ngân sách 10 tỉ cho năm 2017 Anh nói rằng anh đang cân nhắc để lập kế hoạch mua sắp cho năm 2017 Khi có tin tức về danh mục thiết bị, anh sẽ cung cấp cho tôi
He said the room was browsing program production budget of 10 billion for the year 2017He said that he is considering to purchase planning coming for 2017When there is news about the device category, he will give me
He said production Chamber approved program budget for 2017 of 10 billion he said that he was considering going to plan for the 2017 purchase When news of the list of equipment, he would give me
He said that the project budget for the production of the room 1 billion for 2017You said you were thinking about buying a plan for 2017When the news directory of the device, you can give me