SỬ DỤNG CARD VISIT (DANH THIẾP) THẾ NÀO LÀ ĐÚNG CÁCH?Khi chúng ta bắt  dịch - SỬ DỤNG CARD VISIT (DANH THIẾP) THẾ NÀO LÀ ĐÚNG CÁCH?Khi chúng ta bắt  Anh làm thế nào để nói



Khi chúng ta bắt đầu công việc làm ăn kinh doanh, việc in và thiết kế card visit (danh thiếp) là một trong những việc đầu tiên bạn cần làm. Một danh thiếp thiết kế tinh xảo sẽ tạo ấn tượng tốt đẹp về bạn với người giao tiếp hay đối tác của bạn.

Nhưng việc đưa card visit đúng lúc và đúng khung cảnh là một nghệ thuật mà không phải ai cũng nắm rõ. Bạn phải xác định đúng người và đúng tình huống để trao danh thiếp: Nên trao card visit bằng hai tay

Sử dụng card visit (danh thiếp) thế nào là đúng cách?

Hình 1: Nên trao danh thiếp bằng cả hai tay
Khi nào nên sử dụng card visit (danh thiếp)

• Đối tác của bạn là người có vai vế và tuổi tác tương đối cao
Bạn chỉ nên đưa card visit khi đối tác có ý muốn bạn trao danh thiếp cho họ. Tuyệt đối không nên chủ động đưa card visit khi đối tác chưa có ý muốn đó.

• Người giao tiếp của bạn là người xa lạ

Bạn không nên lôi card visit ra ngay khi mới bắt đầu vào câu chuyện. Hành động theo thói quen này sẽ làm phiền người giao tiếp với bạn. Họ cảm thấy như bạn đang muốn “tự quảng cáo bản thân” và sẽ xem thường việc nhận danh thiếp của bạn.

• Khi nhóm họp mặt ít hiểu biết về nhau

Không nên bỏ ngay card visit vào túi

Sử dụng card visit (danh thiếp) thế nào là đúng cách?

Hình 2: Không nên bỏ ngay card visit của đối tác vào túi

Khi nhóm họp mặt gồm những người không biết nhiều về nhau, tốt nhất bạn nên đợi một người trong nhóm đưa danh thiếp ra trước, rồi bạn mới trao lại danh thiếp cho họ.

• Trao card visit khi đi dự tiệc

Nếu bạn tham gia các buổi tiệc quan trọng do cá nhân tổ chức hoặc các buổi tiệc mang tính chất làm ăn, bạn phải nhớ mang danh thiếp theo bên mình. Các buổi tiệc đó là là dịp để bạn giao lưu gặp gỡ các đối tác tiềm năng. Nhưng chỉ trao danh thiếp trước hoặc sau khi dùng cơm.

• Thời điểm trao card visit

Người ta thường trao danh thiếp vào lúc vừa mới gặp nhau hoặc trước khi chào tạm biệt ra về. Nhưng trong trường hợp bạn chuẩn bị phát biểu trước những người chưa biết nhiều về bạn, bạn nên gửi danh thiếp cho những người xung quanh trước khi lên phát biểu vì điều đó sẽ giúp họ biết rõ về bạn hơn.

• Hình thức card visit

Bạn nên xếp card visit ngay ngắn trong hộp đựng danh thiếp và để vào cặp táp. Nếu một danh thiếp bị rách hoặc bị bẩn thì đừng bao giờ bạn trao cho đối tác hay khách hàng. Những danh thiếp đã cũ và bị nhàu thì tốt nhất là bạn vứt chúng đi.

Nguồn tin: Theo Vietnamworks

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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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USE THE CARD (BUSINESS CARD) WHAT IS THE RIGHT WAY?When we started the business, printing and design card (business card) was one of the first things you need to do. An exquisitely designed business cards will create a good impression on you with the communication, or your partner.But putting the card at the right time and the right setting is an art that not everybody is aware of. You have to identify the right people and the right situations to give business cards: So given the card with both handsUse the card (business card) what is the right way?Figure 1: Should given a business card with both handsWhen to use the card (business card)• Your partner has significant and relatively high ageYou should only insert card when partners like you handed out business cards for them. None should proactively take card when partners didn't want it.• Your communication People are strangerYou should never pull card out right when she started on the story. Act according to this routine will disturb the communication with you. They feel like you're "self promote themselves" and would see often in getting your business card.• When the Group met at least knowing about each otherShould not put right into the Pocket cardUse the card (business card) what is the right way?Figure 2: Don't dump the partner's card in my Pocket When the group meetings of people who don't know much about each other, it's best to wait for someone in the group put forward the business card, and then you just handed a business card for them.• Given the card when a partyIf you join the party, organized by important individuals or parties working in nature, you must remember to carry business cards with you. The party, which is the occasion for you making meet potential partners. But only handed out a business card before or after dinner.• Time cardIt is often given a business card at the time had just met or before say goodbye to leave. But in case you are prepared to address these people don't know much about you, you should send cards to people around before speaking because that will help them to know more about you.• Card formYou should have folded card neatly in boxes for a business card and to folder files. If a business card broke or are dirty, don't you ever given to partners or customers. The business card was old and was teh best then you throw them away. Source: according to Vietnamworks You've viewed yet Printing technique in printing (03/05/2013) 8 steps needed for a campaign (03/05/2013) Card Design rule (03/05/2013) Essential elements to design catalogue (03/05/2013) Designed for real efficiency brochure (03/05/2013) The language's design (03/05/2013) The effects of printing (26/04/2013) Note When designing Catalogues (03/05/2013) Distinguish between Brochure and Company Profile (03/05/2013) The process to have a complete brochure (26/04/2013)Advice for you After 10 successful logo was redesigned (26/04/2013) The steps to design beautiful and effective brochure (26/04/2013) Structuring a complete profile design (26/04/2013) Design card look like? (26/04/2013) The ink color inkjet printer (26/04/2013) How to create a featured picture when designing advertising presentation products (26/04/2013) Layout layout experience in newspapers, magazines (26/04/2013) Printing of Punning should know (26/04/2013) The restriction on the mount in the construction brand (26/04/2013) Experience building brand recognition of Korean business (26/04/2013)
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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VISIT CARD USE (CARD) WHAT IS PROPERLY? ​​When we started the business deal, the printing and design business cards (business card) is one of the first things you should do. A sophisticated business card design will impress your good about communicating with people or your partner. But making timely and correct business cards is an art scene that not everyone is familiar with. You must identify the right people and situations to exchange business cards: Cards should be given with both hands Using business cards (cards) How is the right way? Figure 1: It should be given a business card with both hands When should using business cards (cards) • Your partner is the person mogul and relatively high age should only be taken when the partner card visit meant to you handed them a business card. Absolutely not actively take business cards when partners do not wish it. • The communication of you are strangers You should not pull out as soon as new business cards started in the story. Acting on this habit will bother to communicate with you. They feel like you're "self-advertising itself" and will despise getting your business card. • When meeting each other face little understanding Do not skip right to the bag Cards Using business cards (cards ) How is the right way? Figure 2: Do not give up even business cards into the pockets of the partners face when meeting includes people who do not know much about each other, it's best to wait for one of the group put forward a business card, then Your new business card handed to them. • Trade Cards when going to a party If you attend an important party organized by individuals or identifiable parties to do business, you must remember to bring business cards with you . The party that is an opportunity for you to exchange meeting with potential partners. But only business card exchange before or after a meal. • Time Cards handed exchange of business cards is often at just met or said goodbye before leaving. But in case you are prepared speech before those who do not know much about you, you should send the card to the people around before speaking up because it will help them know more about you. • Style Cards You should put business cards neatly in the box and leave business cards in briefcases. If a card is torn or soiled, do not ever you give partners and customers. These cards were old and crumpled, then it's best to throw them away. Source: By Vietnamworks You see no screen printing technique in print (05/03/2013) 8 step necessary for first ad campaign (05/03/2013) Visit Card Design Rule (03.05.2013) factors need to design catalogs (03/05/2013) Designing an effective brochure (03/05/2013) Time of language design language (05/03/2013) The effects of printing (04/26/2013) Note to designers Catalogue (03/05/2013) Distinguish between Brochure and Company Profile (03.05.2013) The process to get a complete brochure (26/04/2013) Advise you succeed after 10 logo was redesigned (26/04/2013) The beautiful design steps and effective brochure (26/04 / 2013) The structure of a complete book design profile (26.04.2013) Design Cards like? (04/26/2013) The inkjet inks for color (04/26/2013) How to create a striking image when designing advertising product presentation (26/04/2013) Experience the print layout layout newspapers, magazines (26/04/2013) Several printing terminology should know (04/26/2013) The restrictions on mounts in the branding (26/04/2013) Experience build recognition brand of Korean businesses (26/04/2013)

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