Tôi bị chấn thương ở đầu nên phải cắt hết tóc . Những ngày sau khi phẩu thuật tôi đã rất buồn vì sức khoẻ và mái tóc của mình. Sau khi hồi phục sức khoẻ, tôi về nhà và đi học lại . Tôi đã rất tự ti về đầu của mình
I was injured at the top should have to cut off the hair. The day after surgery I was very sad because his hair and health. After recharge, I go home and return to school. I have great self-esteem on his head
I have a head injury should have cut all the hair. The day after surgery I was very sad because of health and his hair. After recuperation, I go home and go back to school. I was very self-conscious about his head
I hurt, so put your head on. After the days of surgery, I was sad because my hair was healthy. After recovering from health, I went home to school. My head is very low self-esteem