tôi được uỷ thác từ anh X công ty Kusami để trao đổi về lô hàng nhập máy ép gạch không nung. Tôi muốn biết trọn bộ máy ép gạch xxx giá giao hàng tại xưởng là bao nhiêu, và điều kiện thanh toán như thế nào
I was mandated from the UK company X Kusami to exchange about shipments unbaked brick presses. I want to know the full brick presses xxx reviews delivered at is how much, and how payment conditions
I was entrusted by his company X Kusami to discuss import shipments adobe brick presses. I want to know the full set of brick molding machines in the workshop xxx delivery price is how much, and conditions like payment
I am authorized to import your compressor from your Kusami X company for trade in goods not fired brick. I'd like to know how the delivery price of the whole compressor works XXX at the price of the bricks and how to pay the terms.