Dùng bữa: Nếu bạn chưa dùng bữa xong, hãy để dao và nĩa chéo nhau, đó là dấu hiệu. Còn khi bạn đặt dao và nĩa ở bên phải song song với đĩa ăn thì đó là dấu hiệu báo cho người phục vụ biết họ có thể dọn đồ.
Dining: If you have not yet finished their meals, go to the knife and fork diagonally from each other, which is the sign. Also when you put the knife and fork on the right side parallel to the disk that is the sign for the waiter know they can pack up.
Dining: If you have not yet finished their meals, go to knife and fork crossed, it is a sign. And when you put the knife and fork parallel to the right of the plate, it was the signal for the waiter said they can pack.