Cách tăng kỹ năng Xinzhao với điểm tối đa vào Three Talon Strike (W) sau đó là Battle Cry (Q) rồi đến Audacious Charge (E), tất nhiên là chiêu cuối Crescent Sweep (R) lấy đúng level.
Increasing the skill with maximum points in Xinzhao Three Talon Strike (W) then the Battle Cry (Q) and then to the Audacious Charge (E), of course the last Zhao Crescent Sweep (R) take the right level.
Increasing skills Xinzhao with maximum points on Three Talon Strike (W) then Battle Cry (Q) then Audacious Charge (E), of course the final ability Crescent Sweep (R) take the right level.