Tiền là một thứ rất quan trọng trong cuộc sống của chúng ta. Đồng tiền là thước đo giá trị của thành quả lao động. Tôi thường dùng tiền cho việc mua thực phẩm, mua đồ gia dụng mua quần áo. Cho bạn bè thân thiết vay và mua hàng để bán
Money is a very important thing in our lives. The money is the measure of the value of the fruits of labor. I often use the money to buy food, buy furniture buying clothes. For close friends borrow and buy items for sale
Money is a very important thing in our lives. The currency is a measure of the value of the fruits of labor. I often use the money to buy food, to buy home appliances buy clothes. For close friends and purchase loans for sale
Money is a very important thing in our life. Money is a measure of value. I often spend money on buying food, buying furniture, buying clothes and buying and selling loans to my dear friends.