Công ty chúng tôi xin gửi đến quý khách hàng giấy đề nghị thanh toán đợt cuối giá trị Phụ lục hợp đồng 01 của Hợp đồng số : TTPARCHITECTS.1407.HM.ULTRA-FINISH.024, chi tiết như sau
Our company would like to send to the customer payment proposal paper last batch values Appendix 1 of the contract No.: TTPARCHITECTS. 1407. HM. ULTRA-FINISH. 024, details as follows
Our company would like to customer request for payment of the last round of contract value of Appendix 01 of the Contract No: TTPARCHITECTS.1407.HM.ULTRA-FINISH.024, detailed as follows