Nhà có 5 phòng: 1 phòng khách,2 phòng ngủ, 1 phòng bếp và 1 nhà tắm. Phía trước ngôi nhà có 1 cái sân rộng với nhiều hoa và cây. Phía sau ngôi nhà có nhiều rau và cây ăn quả.
The House has 5 rooms: a living room, 2 bedrooms, 1 kitchen and 1 bathroom. Front of the House there is a wide courtyard with lots of flowers and plants. Behind the House there are many vegetables and fruit trees.
5-room house: 1 room, 2 bedrooms, 1 kitchen and 1 bathroom. In front of the house 1 large yard with many flowers and trees. Behind the house there are plenty of vegetables and fruit.
There are five rooms in the room: a living room, two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom in front of the house there is a big yard, a lot of flowers and trees.