Health Insurance System USA and Canada Debate on the American media - Vietnam Canada of superiority between two systems of different health insurance eventually TNIC influx. I am also afraid to talk much, this issue has to spend a lot of time both ink 2 countries. But see there is some news from some of you brought up is not accurate, so need to correct. First is Mr. Le Thanh Kim said that the people of Canada must pay income tax to 55% of salary. Say this, it touches ... me, because I am an employee of the Ministry of Revenue, I need correction. Canadians pay an income tax for 2 government: federal and provincial. The tax rate according to the progressive principles, depending on income 4 groups (income bracket). Federal Taxes: the lowest income group (less than 37,885 ) rate of 15%. the highest income group (over 123.184) tax rate of 29% provincial tax: varies by province but New Brunswick's highest, and the lowest 18% of Alberta, 10%. Thus, the Canadians take maximum income tax rate is 47% (29% + 18%) and not 55% as you Kim said. But this is the tax rate for high-income groups the most, live in high-tax province most, but the majority of Canadians pay only 25% tax rate. the system of the Canadian health insurance system of public health insurance, the entire population (universal public health care insurance) means that the entire population be protected health insurance, do not depend on employment or income. in principle, people have to pay a monthly health insurance. But if the net income (net profit) of less than $ 28,000 family / year shall be reduced and under $ 20,000 / year, are exempt. Also, the monthly salary well above 28,000 for only $ 54 for an individual or $ 96 (couple) or $ 108 for families (3 or more). This is the province of BC, other provinces do not move the chains how much, even can be completely free as Ontario. People go to work, depending on the agency or company, can be paid to owners half or how this money always. Thus, because of the health insurance premiums every month is too low, there is symbolic, said Health Canada should be free would be an understatement, and the entire Canadian population has health insurance: doctor free, free capture detector tests, free childbirth, free hospital treatment .. Also drink drug money to buy home by a doctor, if the low-income area is either not pay or pay little. If the area of trade, self-employed (self-employed) as Bill will have to pay full hook-pocket, while those hired in the workplace and extended medical insurance plan (health insurance premium) I will have to pay only 20% of drugs, health insurance programs pay 80% extra. When seriously ill to come in the hospital, I just eat more or welfare Bill that I could be located a room own, while Bill or welfare must be sharing a room with several other people, but the medical treatment and the same. Even the homeless can lie with the hospital with the Canadian Prime Minister, but has no guards, no private rooms (Canada does not have and do not have private hospital special hospital for the officials). Once in hospital, people do not pay a penny. This is the pride of Canadians in terms of social equality in terms of health. I laughed when I read that he called the hospital that Canada is "dispensary." Hopefully one day he tasted in hospital Canadian pilots have the same view dispensary VN or not. It is true that birds are afraid curved tree, relapse. Said he, Prime Minister and Minister of Canada are both dispensary. A correction is biased to Health Canada but under socialism but not all the doctors nurses fixed salary as public servants. Instead of having hundreds of health insurers (medical insurers) pay for hospital doctors as in the US, in Canada the provincial government acted medical insurer. The government raises the cost of the service form, medical examination how much money, how much heart surgery ... and pay for doctors, hospitals perform such services. Rather than send the bill for medical insurance as US companies, doctors and hospitals in Canada send bill to the provincial Ministry of Health. Therefore, between doctors still have disparities of income, at the low-income patients, many patients are high income. Hospital patients crowded, administrator smart budget surplus, the government reverse to cover losses, accounting hospitals red (deficit) in the list can be closed if any budget cuts. not a fixed salary status, work styles such grace "dispensary VN". However, doctors in Canada do not earn much money as a doctor in the US, because service prices fixed by the government and the government also limits the number of patients a doctor in a day (time patient care no more than 25 minutes), to ensure the quality of care (BC regulations 50).
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