trong những năm gần đây, tỷ lệ tảo hôn có chiều hướng tăng, nạn tảo hôn ở tuổi 13-14 trong cả nước ở nữ là 0,7% và nam là 0,5% tảo hôn tuổi 15-17 ở nữ là 4,2%, nam là 1,9%
in recent years, the percentage of algae Kiss has tended to increase, widespread algae marry at age 13-14 in the country in is 0.5% and 0.7% South is algae kissing age 15-17 in is 4.2%, is 1.9%
in recent years, the rate of child marriage tends to increase, child marriage at the age of 13-14 in the country at 0.7% for females and males was 0.5% in women 15-17 years old child marriage is 4 , 2%, 1.9% for men