(Beauty) - Improper skin hygiene, eating oily ... are the main cause of blackheads. The cause blackheads Blackheads occur mainly on oily skin. So much more oil and clog pores, they accumulate into lumps long hard day. Part exposed to air (on the outer part of the skin) will be black. Blackheads also occur when you do not clean the skin properly. This causes an accumulation of oil below the pores, causing acne. Cause both blackheads are caused by not drinking enough water your body needs. Toxins excreted water for skin, clean and fresh on the inside. Some diseases such as anemia, constipation, diseases related to the thyroid, etc ... are factors that increase the development of whiteheads black. the use of harsh detergents and chemical makeup brushes too hard cause irritated skin, making the situation more blackheads worse. blackheads blackheads occur mainly on oily skin. the room avoid blackheads Rather pillowcase One of the surfaces in contact with the skin we most is ... the pillow. On an average day we'll reach 7-8 hours of sleep, then all those times we face exposure to the knee. Therefore, if you do not clean the toilet pillow proved very easy to protest! Use separate towels Can you find it to be annoying, but that because of the beauty we now have to try it out. Each of you should have at least 2 different washcloth, a towel and a small towel for washing the face. Steam face Blackheads are tiny particles acne clog our pores themselves. If you squeeze them would cause serious swelling pores, gradually can become inflamed and cause more severe acne. So you have to know how to skin hygiene properly blackheads. One way is to use glue acne treatment or acne peeling mask. Fine, but do not forget to step steam for the Indians, if not swelling up after peeling acne. Limit greasy food oily Food, fast food ... often contain a high fat content. This is one of the main reasons that the more active sebum, causing acne spots increased activity.
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