Sau 8 tuần nuôi cấy, kết quả cho thấy môi trường Knop có bổ sung 10% nước dừa giúp tăng sinh khối Lan gấm tốt nhất. Với số chồi hình thành đạt 7,1 chồi/mẫu; chiều cao chồi đạt 1,36 cm/chồi; số lá đạt 2,22 lá/chồi
After 8 weeks, the results showed that the environment has a 10% supplement Knop coconut water helps increase biomass Lan best GAM. With the number reaching 7.1 form buds buds/templates; height buds reach 1.36 cm/buds; number of leaves reached 2.22/leaf buds
After 8 weeks of incubation, the results show that the environment can Knop added 10% coconut water helps increase biomass Lan best brocade. With the number of shoots formed 7.1 shoots / sample; height reaches 1.36 cm shoots / shoots; Some tobacco leaf reached 2.22 / bud