Tôi đã nói là tôi không giận bạn mà. Chỉ là tôi lo lắng khi thấy có dấu hiệu giống như vậy chứ cũng chưa kết luận. Sáng ngày mai là sẽ biết thôi và tôi cũng hy vọng là không đúng như tôi lo sợ. Ngủ ngon nhé!
I have to say is I'm not angry at you. Just as I worried when seeing signs like the schoolgirl also has not yet concluded. Tomorrow morning is going to know and also I hope is not true as I fear. Good night!
I told you that I was not angry. It's just that I worry when they see signs like that but also not conclusive. Tomorrow morning is going to stop and I also know hope is not true as I feared. Good night!