Các pallet bị bật bung nắp nằm cạnh nhau, tuy nhiên trong các pallet bị bật bung nắp này, các pallet bị mất 02 hộp 6 & 7 nằm xem kẽ với các pallet không bị mất, theo thứ tự ngẫu nhiên.
Of pallets by bung Cap located next to each other, however in the pallets being turned on this CAP, the springy pallets & 6 box 2 lost 7 is viewed with the pallets are not lost, in random order.
The pallet was sprung lid turn side by side, but in the pallet is being turned sprung lid, the box pallet lost 6 & 7 is 02 in alternation with the pallet is not lost, in random order.