cô giống như một người mẹ hiền dạy dỗ chúng tôi trở thành người có ích cho xã hội . cô dạy chúng tôi những điều tốt và lẽ phỉa ,để chúng tôi vững bước trên đường đời. cô rèn cho chúng tôi từng net chữ, dạy cho chúng tôi từng bài toán hay, toán khó.
She is like a gentle mother who taught us to become useful to society. She taught us the good things and probably have to, so we firmly on the road of life. She forged for us ever to net literacy, teach us each math or math, difficult.
she is like a gentle mother taught us to become useful citizens of the society. She taught us what's good and maybe side, let us firmly on the road of life. she wrought for us each net text, teach us every problem or, difficult problem.
You taught us to be useful as a mother. She teaches us the good things we need and may, steadily in the way of life. "We used to train the net, teach us maths, or before, mathematics is difficult.".