Tôi cũng rất cám ơn bạn vì bạn đã rất chân thành với tôi và chia sẻ với những lo lắng của tôi và tôi nghĩ rằng với sự quan tâm, chia sẽ, tận tình giúp đỡ cho nhau thì mọi khó khăn, mọi rào cản đều sẽ vượt qua. Đúng không bạn?
I am also very thankful for you because you have very sincere with me and share with my anxiety and I think that with the interest, shared, dedicated help for each other then all difficulties, all the hurdles were overcome. Aren't you?
I'm grateful to you because you were very honest with me and shared my concerns and I think with the attention, sharing, caring for each other help, then all difficulties, all obstacles are will overcome. Is it right?