Xem Mission Control: Quét 3 hoặc 4 ngón tay lên để xem mọi cửa sổ đang mở, các Desktop và Dashboard trên Mac của bạn. Quét để chuyển trang: Quét 2 ngón tay để lật trang (trước và sau) khi duyệt văn bản.
View Mission Control: scan 3 or 4 fingers up to see all the open Windows, the Desktop and Dashboard on your Mac.Scan to Scan pages: 2 fingers to flip page (before and after) when browsing the text.
View Mission Control: Scan 3 or 4 fingers up to view all open windows, the Desktop, and the Dashboard on your Mac. Scan for turning pages: Scan 2 fingers to turn pages (front and back) when browsing the text.
Look at mission control, scan three or four fingers, look at all the windows open, desktop and MAC dashboard friends.Scan: scan to move your finger to a two page (before and after) when the text is read.