Sức khỏe rất quan trọng với chúng ta nếu như không có sức khỏe ta sẽ không thể làm gì hết. Gần đây tôi không được khỏe. Tôi bị hắt hơi và chảy nước mũi. Tôi nghĩ tôi đã bị cảm cúm.Tôi sẽ đi đến bác sĩ.
Your health is very important to us as if no health we will not be able to do anything. Recently I was not healthy. I was sneezing and runny nose. I thought I was suffering from flu. I will go to the doctor.
Health is very important to us without our health will not be able to do anything. Recently I was not well. I was sneezing and runny nose. I think I was feeling cum.Toi will go to the doctor.
Health is very important to us, if there is no health, what I can do. I don't feel too bad recently. I am sneezing and a runny nose. I think I have a cold C M.t I to go to the doctor's case.