giá dầu giảm sẽ giảm chi phí cuộc sống, chi phí vận chuyển cũng như làm giảm tỉ lệ lạm phát. Việc giảm giá dầu có thể sẽ làm tăng chi phí về hàng hóa và dịch vụ và thêm vào real GDP.
the oil price decrease will lower the cost of living, transportation costs as well as reducing the rate of inflation. The decrease in the oil price will likely increase the costs of goods and services and more on real GDP.
lower oil prices will reduce the cost of living, transportation costs as well as reducing the rate of inflation. The drop in oil prices is likely to increase the costs of goods and services and add real GDP.
Lower oil prices, lower living costs, transportation costs also reduce inflation rates. Lower oil prices may increase the cost of goods and services, and add GDP Real.