tổng giá trị xuất khẩu 10 tháng đã đạt 1,66 tỉ usd. riêng mặt hàng tôm đông lạnh, đến cuối tháng 10, đã xuất khẩu được 86,242 tấn, tăng 14,24% so vơi cùng kỳ năm 2004
the total value of exports reached 1.66 billion/10. individually frozen shrimp, to the end of October, have been exported 86.242 tons, up 14.24 percent compared with the same period in 2004
the total export value reached 1.66 billion 10 months usd. Frozen shrimp separately, by the end of October, has exported 86.242 tons, up 14.24% compared with the same period in 2004
Total value reached 10 months of exports 1,66 billion U. s.dollars. Their own goods, frozen shrimp, to October, exports to 86242 tons, an increase of 14,24 percent over the same period in 2004.