3.5.1 Tổng vốn dự kiến: Vốn ODA: khoảng 1.500.000 USD tương đương 32.862.000.000 VNĐ, trong đó: - Ngân sách cấp phát: 100 % vốn ODA không hoàn lại. - Cho vay lại: 0 % vốn ODA
3.5.1 total capital expected: ODA: about 1,500,000 USD equivalent of USD 32,862,000,000, of which:-The budget allocated: 100% of ODA is not refundable.-Review: loan 0% ODA
3.5.1 Total estimated capital: ODA: approximately $ 1.5 million VND 32.862 billion equivalent, of which: - State budget allocation: 100% non-refundable ODA. - Lending: 0% ODA
3.5.1's total funding plan: financial aid, or about $1.500.000 32.862.000.000 VN, which:Budget allocation of funds: 100% free assistance.- 0% little Tian Yuan loan: