Chợ có 9 cửa bao gồm 4 cửa lớn và 5 cửa nhỏ. Cửa chính nằm trên đường Lý Thường Kiệt, với tổng diện tích 22.800 m2, chia làm 4 khu vực với gần 3.000 hộ kinh doanh.
The markets have included large 4 door doors 9 and 5 small doors. The main entrance is located on the road, with a total area of 22,800 m2, divided into 4 regions with nearly 3,000 business households.
Market 9 including 4-door and 5-door small doors. The main door is located on Ly Thuong Kiet Street, with a total area of 22,800 m2, divided into 4 regions with nearly 3,000 business households.