4. Tổng nhu cầu vốn và nguồn vốn : - Tổng nhu cầu vốn của phương án: …đồng - Nguồn vốn đáp ứng gồm : o Vốn tự có của chủ sở hữu: ………đồng o Vay EIB: ………. đồng o Nguồn khác: ………… đồng
4. The total capital needs and sources of capital:-Total capital needs of plan: ...-Capital source meet include: o the owner's own Equity:......... Councilo EIB Loans:.......... Councilo other Sources:............ Council
4. The total capital needs and capital: - Total capital requirements of the plan: ... co - Capital response include: o The own capital of owners: ......... co o EIB Loan: .......... co o Other: ............ contract
4. Total investment and financial demand:Total funding requirements: Copper- funds include: responseO has its own master: copper.EIB said, please, please, please, please. copperDifferent copper sources..: