how is him? all I want do not hurt my daddy I do not have problem ok, chỉ cần có niềm ở bố bạn, tôi sẽ yêu thương bạn và bố bạn hôm nay tôi đi bãi biển chơi tôi đang ở bãi biển con trai anh hỏi em, chắc chắn yêu bạn không?
How is him?all I want do not hurt my daddy I do not have problemOK, just have faith in me, I will love you, and youToday I went to the beach to playI'm at the beachMy son asked me, will definitely love you?
how is photographing? all I want do not hurt my daddy I do not have problem ok, just have faith in your father, I will love you and your dad today I went to the beach to play on the beach I am his son asked me, certainly not love you?