khi sang bên đó tôi đã làm bánh cho chị tôi ăn. chị tôi cho tôi đi nhiều nơi lạ lắm.Chị tôi cho tôi đến nơi du lịch gần đó.chị cho tôi đi xem quần áo vafmoij thứ mà bên việt nam chưa bao giờ có
When that side I have made cake for my sister. My sister let me go a lot of places. My sister gave me to the nearby tourist places. She gave me go see vafmoij clothing that Vietnam never had a party
aside when I did eat bread to my sister. My sister let me go places I lam.Chi strange for me to travel places I go near do.chi for what vafmoij clothes inside Vietnam never had