có thể viết và nói được trên 2 ngoại ngữ mang nhiều lợi ích trong công việc cũng như đời sống văn hóa, Bên cạnh đó thì người học cũng phải đánh đổi một khoảng thời gian và tiền bạc để nhạn được những lợi ích như trên.
can write and speak on 2 foreign language brings many benefits in jobs as well as cultural life, besides that the learner must also give a period of time and money to swallow are the benefits as above.
can write and speak foreign languages on 2 bring many benefits on the job as well as cultural life, Besides, the students also have to trade off some time and money to get the benefits above.
Can write and speak two languages brought many benefits in work and life culture, in addition, the school also have to pay time and money to the same as the interests of the wild goose.