Bởi vì anh ấy không còn làm việc cho công ty của chúng ta nữa nên từ thời gian này tôi sẽ thay mặt anh ấy và kiêm tra các chi phí hàng tháng cũng như các chuyến đi sale calls trước khi thanh toán cho các bạn.
Because he's no longer working for your company we should again from this time I would rather face him and cum the monthly cost as well as the trip sale calls before payment for you.
Because he no longer worked for the company from ours so this time I will on behalf of him and check the monthly cost of the trip as well as sale calls for the payment before you.
Because he did not work for the company, so from our time, I will represent him and find the cost of monthly sales are also in the travel before you pay to you.