Tôi đã nói chuyện với Tuân hiện là quản lý tòa nhà, anh trả lời rằng hiện tại công ty có tầng 8 là chưa có ai thuê, diện tích là 144 mét vuông. Anh ấy hỏi nếu mình có muốn thuê thì hẹn để làm việc với họ
I was talking to comply with current building management, he replied that the company currently has 8 floor is vacant, an area of 144 square metres. He asked if I wanted to rent the appointment to work with them
I talked to Obey is now building management, he said that the company currently has the 8th floor is nobody rent, area of 144 square meters. He asked if I had wanted to rent the appointment to work with them