Anh Tuấn Anh cũng rất uy tín trong cộng đồng Phượt. Anh ấy sẽ hỗ trợ góp ý về các tính năng của Ứng dụng cho phù hợp với Phượt thủ và hỗ trợ trong truyền thông để đưa ứng dụng đến tay người dùng.
Anh Tuan was the prestige in the community Phượt. He would support suggestions about the features of the application in accordance with Phượt and the support in the media for bringing the application to consumers.
Tuan Anh also very prestigious Phượt community. He would support the suggestions on the features of the application to suit Phượt defense communications and support in order to bring applications to consumers.
You and your community are also very reputable in the travel he will support you do consultant features apply to fit the backpack player in the media and support the user's app in hand.