trường tôi được xây dựng năm 1990 . Trường có 30 lớp học và hai dãy : dãy A và dãy B . ở giữa trường là cột cờ nơi mà chúng tôi chào cờ vào mỗi buổi sáng thứ hai
my school was built in 1990. The school has 30 classrooms and two mountain ranges: the sequence A and sequence B. in the middle of the field is where the flag we salute the flag every Monday morning
My school was built in 1990. The school has 30 classrooms and two suites: Series A and B blocks. flagpole in the middle school is where we salute the flag every morning Monday
The school I built in 1990. Schools have 30 classrooms and two sequences: sequence of sequences A and B. We are in the school where the morning flag flagpole second