Anh biết không, thời gian qua tôi đã im lặng và chính vì sự im lặng đó mà tôi đã bị bao điều oan ức, bao lời miệt thị từ những người bạn mà anh luôn luôn tôn thờ và nghĩ là họ tốt với anh
You know, the last time I was quiet and the silence that which I have been how things, pejorative word memory whitewash from the friends that he has always worshipped and thought they good to you
You know, last time I was silent and that silence is because I have been many things unjustly, how slandering them from friends that he always thought that their worship and good to him
You know, time has passed my silence, for silence I was wronged and will not despise words from those you have been to worship, think they are good for you