trong cuộc tranh luận trực tiếp giữa hai ứng cử viên tổng thống mỹ, ông lúc đầu có vẻ lấn áp bằng giọng nói lớn, liên tục, trong khi bà lại có thần thái kém mạnh mẽ hơn nhưng ăn nói ngắn gọn, mạch lạc, giành lại ưu thế
in a direct debate between the two us presidential candidates, he at first seems reclaimed by loud voice, constantly, while she has a spirit less potent but Thai food in short, coherent, regained the advantage
in direct debate between the two presidential candidates and fine, at first he seemed overwhelmed by a large voice, repeatedly, while her charisma back stronger but eat poorly short, coherent, regain dominance