Ngày 31/12/2015, theo hóa đơn GTGT YB/14P số 0000825 do Công ty TNHH Thương Mại dịch vụ YBCO, cung cấp với nội dung thanh toán phí văn phòng phẩm, số tiền 3.384.000 đồng, (VAT 10%)
On 31/12/2015, according to the RATES Bill 0000825 number 14 p/YB because Commercial Services Ltd YBCO which FORMS, provide with stationary charge payment, the amount of VAT (10%), copper 3,384,000
Dated 12.31.2015, under the VAT invoice YB / 14P No. 0,000,825 by the Company YBCO Trading services, content providers pay for stationery, the amount of 3.384 million dong (VAT 10%)