Sau buổi kiểm tra sáng nay, chúng tôi đã ngay lặp tức khắc phục các lỗi về vấn đề vệ sinh, lan can, cầu thang mà ông đã phát hiện. Xin vui lòng xem hình ảnh khắc phục ở tập đính kèm. Xin cám ơn ông đã luôn hỗ trợ.
Dear Mike,After the check this morning, we were immediately echoed news fix the error about hygiene, railing, stairs which he had discovered. Please view pictures fix in the attached file. Thankful he has always supported.
After the test this morning, we were immediately fixed with hygiene issue, railings, stairs, which he had discovered. Please see picture in attachment remedy. Thank he has always supported.