Vào năm ấy quân giặc Ân kéo đến xâm lược nước ta. Giặc Ân rất mạnh và  dịch - Vào năm ấy quân giặc Ân kéo đến xâm lược nước ta. Giặc Ân rất mạnh và  Anh làm thế nào để nói

Vào năm ấy quân giặc Ân kéo đến xâm

Vào năm ấy quân giặc Ân kéo đến xâm lược nước ta. Giặc Ân rất mạnh và tàn bạo, cầm đầu giặc Ân là một tên tướng có tên gọi là Ân Vương, tên này có một ngoại hình và khuân mặt rất dữ tợn và cổ quái, ai nhìn thấy cũng phải khiếp sợ. Quân giặc hễ chúng cứ đi đến làng nào là chúng phá phách nhà cửa, giết người cướp của đến đấy, người già và trẻ em chúng cũng không tha. Quân của nước ta Hùng nhiều lần xuất trận đánh trả, nhưng vì quân địch quá mạnh và hung dữ nên quân ta không đánh thắng. Vua Hùng rất lo âu vội cắt cử sứ thần đi khắp các miền, khắp các làng xóm ở trong nước để tìm một vị tướng giỏi để giúp nhà vua cứu lấy đất nước khỏi nạn ngoại xâm.
Có 1 hôm sứ thần đi đến ngôi làng của mẹ con nhà Gióng. Nghe tiếng loa rao của sứ thần nói đến việc nhà vua đang cần tìm một người để đánh giặc ngoại xâm, bà mẹ Gióng đang bế ru con, liền nói đùa với con rằng:
– Gióng ơi! Gióng của mẹ chậm nói chậm đi như vậy, thì biết đến khi nào Gióng mới đi giúp nước xua đuổi quân giặc được đây!
Không ngờ rằng, Gióng nhìn mẹ mở miệng bật lên tiếng nói đầu đời:
– Mẹ hãy chạy ra gọi sứ thần vào trong này cho con!
Nói xong Gióng lại im bặt không nói gì nữa. Bà mẹ Gióng thấy con nói được vừa mừng nhưng lại vừa sợ, bà vội chạy đi kể chuyện với mọi người trong làng xóm. Mọi người đổ tới nhà Gióng, ai cũng cho đây là 1 điều kì lạ. Cuối cùng 1 cụ già nói:
– Hay chúng ta cứ đi mời sứ thần đến xem sao.
Khi sứ thần của nhà vua tới nhìn thấy chú bé Gióng còn rất nhỏ, sứ thần hỏi Gióng:
– Ngươi là đứa con nít lên 3 mới chập chững biết đi thì nhà ngươi đánh giặc kiểu gì? Ngươi cho người mời ta tới đây để trêu đùa ta à?
Gióng trả lời sứ thần rất đĩnh đạc:
– Ông hãy về tâu mới nhà vua hãy rèn cho ta một con ngựa sắt, một thanh gươm sắt, một chiếc áo giáp sắt và một chiếc nón sắt, ta sẽ đánh đuổi quân giặc.
Ai nấy đứng nghe cũng đều cảm thấy ngạc nhiên và lạ lùng, mọi người đều nghĩ rằng đây chắc chắn là thần tiên mà ông trời cử xuống để giúp dân giúp nước. Sứ thần thấy vậy lạ lắm, tức tốc phi mã về bẩm tấu sự lạ với nhà vua. Sau khi nghe Sứ thần kể lại đầu đuôi câu chuyện, vua Hùng lấy làm mừng rỡ, vua nghĩ đúng là trời giúp ta rồi, vua ban chỉ ngay lập tức tuyển những thợ rèn giỏi nhất, gom hết toàn bộ tất cả số sắt tốt nhất còn lại trong kinh thành để rèn ngựa, gươm, áo giáp và nón như lời đề nghị của chú bé Gióng.
Khi đã rèn xong mọi thứ như yêu cầu, hàng chục người cũng không thể khiêng nổi. Riêng chỉ mình thanh gươm cũng đã quá nặng, mấy chục binh sĩ nhấc thử nhưng thanh gươm vẫn không hề nhúc nhích. Vua Hùng phải cử một đoàn có tất thảy 1000 binh sĩ tìm mọi cách chở đến cho chú bé Gióng.
Khi biết tin quân sĩ đã khiêng đủ ngựa sắt, áo giáp, gươm sắt đến làng, mẹ Gióng đã lo sợ chạy tức tốc về nhà. Bà vừa thở hổn hển vừa bảo con:
– Con ơi! Việc đánh giặc không phải là việc chơi. Giờ nhà vua đã cho mang đầy đủ vũ khí tới, mẹ con ta biết phải làm sao bây giờ ?
Nghe mẹ nói vậy, Gióng vụt ngồi dậy và nói:
– Mẹ cứ yên tâm ở con, việc đánh đuổi giặc ngoại xâm mẹ cứ để con lo. Nhưng giờ mẹ sẽ phải cho con ăn thật nhiều, có thế con mới có thể lớn để đánh giặc được.
Mẹ Gióng thấy vậy liền đi thổi một nồi cơm to cho Gióng ăn, nhưng nấu bao nhiêu cũng không đủ, nấu đến nồi nào là Gióng ăn hết nòi đó. Cứ sau khi ăn một nồi cơm, Gióng lại lớn thêm một chút và lại đòi ăn. Mẹ Gióng càng cho ăn thì Gióng càng lớn nhanh như thổi, chỉ sau mấy chục nồi cơm, Gióng đã trở thành một chàng thanh niên khỏe mạnh cường tráng.
Vì Gióng ăn quá khỏe, thóc trong nhà không đủ cho Gióng ăn, mẹ Gióng phải đi kêu gọi xóm làng giúp đỡ. Mọi người nô nức mang gạo, mang khoai, mang trâu bò lợn gà, hoa quả bánh trái đến chất đầy sân nhà Gióng. Nhưng đưa tới bao nhiêu, Gióng lại ăn hết veo bấy nhiêu, ăn xong Gióng vẫn tiếp tục đòi ăn không ngừng nghỉ.
Sau đó, Gióng bảo mẹ:
– Mẹ kiếm vải cho con mặc.
Dân làng lại nô nức mang tới nhà Gióng biết bao nhiêu vải lụa để may áo cho Gióng. Nhưng vì Gióng lớn nhanh một cách kì lạ nên quần áo cứ may xong đã thấy chật, thấy ngắn, lại phải thêm vải để chắp nối thêm. Không mấy chốc, Gióng đã cao lớn phi thường, đầu Gióng đã chạm tới nóc nhà. Đúng lúc đó thì quân sĩ mang khiêng, ngựa, gươm và nón sắt tới. Gióng bước ra khỏi nhà vươn vai một cái, người bỗng cao to sừng sững, chân dài hơn trượng, Gióng hét vang một tiếng như sấm:
– Ta chính là tướng của nhà trời !
Thế rồi Gióng mặc giáp sắt, đội nón sắt, tay cầm gươm múa quanh mấy vòng. Đoạn từ biệt mẹ và dân làng, nhảy lên lưng ngựa. Ngựa sắt bỗng chồm lên, phun thẳng ra đàng trước một luồng lửa đỏ rực. Gióng thúc chân, ngựa phi như bay, sải từng bước dài hàng chục con sào, rung chuyển cả trời đất. Chỉ trong chớp mắt, ngựa đã xông đến đồn trại giặc bấy giờ đang đóng la liệt cả mấy khu rừng. Lưỡi gươm của Gióng vung lên loang loáng như chớp giật. Quân giặc xông ra chừng nào chết chừng ấy. Ngựa thét ra lửa thiêu cháy từng dãy đồn trại, lửa thiêu luôn cả mấy khu rừng. Khói bụi mịt mù, tiếng la hét kêu khóc như ri.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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In her military aggressors invaded our country to Favour. Grace was very powerful and brutal aggressors, aggressors leader Grace is a general name called Grace United Kingdom, the name has a shape and a very fierce face and neck, one sees also must terrify. Military aggressors when they go to the village which is the trouble we homeless, killed robbed of about, old people and children are also not spared. Our country's Heroes several times published battle charged, but because the enemy is too strong and aggressive should our troops not to fight. King Hung very anxiety rush cut sent emissaries all over the region, around the villages of neighbors in the country to find a good General to help the King to save the country from the accident.Day Ambassadors go to mother's home village of Sparkle. Hear speakers rao emissary comes to the Kings are looking for a person to fight off the invasion, mothers Rings are closing ru children, associated with the joking that:-Sparkle! Rings of slow mother said such slowness, then known as new country help Internodes would repel the enemy troops are here!No doubt, the same provincial look mom mouth open turned up early voices:-Parents run out call ambassadors into this for you!Say im unsure again Internodes said nothing more. Mothers Rings seen his talk was just excited but just afraid, she hastily running away telling stories to people in villages and hamlets. People poured to the Rings, who also said this is a strange thing. Finally 1 old man says:-Or we go invited ambassadors to see stars.When the King's Envoy to see the boy in the Internodes, Ambassador asked Sparkle:-Is your kid up 3 new short leveled off, then you hit the enemy what type? You for inviting me here to tease people kidding me?Rings to answer Ambassador very poise:-He let my Lord the King a new work out of the iron horse, an iron sword, armor and an iron hat, we chased the aggressors.One thing stood listening as well all feel surprised and strangely, everyone thinks that this is certainly the Elves that he sent Sun to help people help the country. Envoy found that strange, news about trio since the galloping speed with the King. After listening to the Envoy recounted the story of the tail head, Mighty King retrieved do rejoice, King thinks it is true that Sun help us then, King ban only to immediately recruit the best, swordsmith middlemen in full all of the best iron left in the city to work out horses, swords, armor and hats as the offer of the boy in the Internodes.When did work out done everything as required, dozens of people also can't just toss it. Only his own sword was also too heavy, tens of soldiers picked up the try but the sword still did not move. Hung Kings must send a delegation there all 1000 soldiers find ways to let the boy in the Internodes.The troops have enough bags for the iron horse, armor, sword of iron to the villages, the Internodes mother have to fear running immediately traveled home. She just panting has just said:-Baby! The enemy is not the play. Now the King has to carry the weapon to full, mother know what to do now?Mother said so, flicking Internodes sit up and say:-Parents relax in the children, pushing the enemy invasion mom let the worry. But now I will have to eat a lot, can I can to beat the aggressors are.Sparkle mother found so soon blew a rice cooker to give Sparkle to eat, but how much is not enough cooking, Cook to the pot would be Giong ate race. Just after eating a rice cooker, add a bit of sparkle in the large back and eat again. Sparkle mother as for the fast growing Internodes as blowing, only a few dozen of the rice cooker, Sparkle has become a robust healthy boy.Because eating too healthy, Internodes of paddy in the House are not enough for the mother to eat, go to the same provincial Internodes urged neighbors to the village for help. People bring rice, potato, carrying the resultant pattern of slavery, bringing cattle pigs chicken, fruit cake left to home filled with Sparkle. But taken to how much Sparkle back all veo much, ate the same provincial continued to eat non-stop.Then, the same provincial mother:-Parents make fabric for the dress.The villagers back home to tingle the same provincial slave know how much silk cloth to sew coats for Sparkle. But because the big weird fast Internodes should just finished sewing clothes tight, short, see saw back to add fabric to rest--append. Not some, high, have been addressed alignment of the first Internodes had touched the roof of the House. Right at that time, the troops brought a pallet, horses, swords and iron to the cone. Sparkle stepped out of the House reaching a shoulder, who suddenly long legs, tall over the staff, such as a screeching Thunder Sparkle:-Is the General of heavenly!Then the same provincial wears armor, hats, holding a sword dance around those round. Clips from the nickname of his mother and the villagers, jump on horseback. Iron Horse suddenly leaned up, spray a fire flow anteriorly straight red. Sparkle finish legs, horses of Africa as, step by step long span dozens of the pole vault, shakes both heaven and Earth. In just the blink of an eye, the horse has stormed to the enemy camp, rumors are now close both these forests listed. dollar Blade sword of Sparkle, no good expanding up to swing like flashing. The enemy troops stormed out as long as possible death. Horses shouting out fire ever burn, fire camp, rumors always ranges at all those forests. Hazy smoke, screaming screaming as ri.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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An enemy in dragging him to invade our country. An enemy is very strong and brutal, An enemy leader is a general name called En Wang, the name has a surface appearance and porters very grim and quaint, one must also see fear. They kept the enemy whenever they go to any village houses vandalism, robbery murder of arrival, the elderly and children, they are also not spared. Many of our country's military Hung returns matched battle, but because the enemy is too strong and aggressive should not defeat our troops. King Hung very anxious hastily appointed emissaries around the country, around the villages in the country to find a competent general to help the king to save the country from foreign invasion.
There is one day going to the village angel Giong mother's house. Ad hear the speaker of the angel said to the king is looking for someone to fight invaders, mothers carrying encoded lullabies, immediately joked with me that:
- Giong Oh! Giong mother said slowly slowness so, know when new Giong go help repel enemy countries are here!
Did not expect that, just looked at her mouth turned up early voice:
- She just ran out called porcelain god into this for me!
saying silent hybrids do not say anything. Mothers speak Giong see just glad I was frightened, but she ran away storytelling with people in the villages. People poured to the Giong, who also said this is one strange thing. Finally one old man said:
- Or are we just going to see how the angel asked.
When the king's envoys to see Giong was very young boy, the angel asked Giong:
- You're the new kid on 3 toddler, then what kind of fight you? I invite you to come here to tease me?
Giong angel answered very poise:
- He let the king take forging new vessel provides an iron horse, an iron sword, a coat of armor and a helmet, we will expel the enemy.
everyone stood listening also felt surprised and strangely, people think that this is certainly the sky fairy whom he appointed to help the country to help people. Saw this strange angel, galloping races on the unknown natural rhythm with the king. After hearing the angel tells the tail story, King Hung taken to rejoice, it is true that the king thought heaven help us, then, the king immediately only recruit the best blacksmith, gather up all of all the good iron left in the city to forge horses, swords, armor and hats as the boy's offer Giong.
Once everything is finished forgings required, dozens of people can not carry well. Only his own sword was also too heavy, a few dozen soldiers tried to lift the sword but still did not move. Hung Kings to send a team there are all soldiers in 1000 to find ways to give the boy carrying encoded.
When the soldiers had carried the news enough iron horse, armor, iron sword to the village, she had feared Giong run races on home. She just told me last gasp:
- My son! The fight is not playing. Now the king had to bring a weapon to the full, we both know what to do now?
Listen to this mother said, Giong flew up and said:
- Mother kept reassuring the child, the mother to expel the invaders themselves let me worry. But now the mother will have to eat more children, there's a new baby can be big to fight.
She saw it went Giong blowing a rice cooker to the Giong eat, but how much is not enough to cook, how to cook to pot that race is encoded eaten. Just after eating a rice cooker, a little older hybrids and again demanded food. Giong as feeding mother, then encoded as soon grew up, after only a few dozen cooker, Giong became a healthy young man robust.
Because Giong eat too healthy, not enough rice in the house for Giong eat, mother Giong villages have to go call for help. Everyone slave tingle bring rice, bring potatoes, bring cattle pigs and chickens, fruit cake filled yard left to Giong. But put to much, just eat this much sold out, eating bad food Giong continued without stopping.
Then thunderstorms mother:
- Mother fabric for longer wear.
The villagers brought the house slave tingle Giong how many silk to Giong dressed. But because large Giong fast so strangely finished sewing clothes themselves have seen tight, see the short, again to add more fabric to piece together. Not soon, Giong has extraordinary tall, head up to the roof Giong touched. At that moment, the soldiers carry carrying, horse, sword and helmet to. Giong walked out of the stretch, one, people suddenly tall horns, legs longer than the rod, Giong shouted a voice like thunder:
- I was the minister of the sun!
And then encoded wearing armor, hats, hand sword dance around a few rounds. Special section from the mother and the villagers, jumped onto the horse. Iron horse suddenly reared, sprayed straight out in front of a flame decent red. Varieties foot, horse galloping away, stride length gradually dozens of nests, shaking the heavens and the earth. Almost overnight, the horse has come against the enemy fort is closed is listed then the defibrillator. Giong brandishing sword flashed like lightning shock. As long as the enemy stormed the dead can be. Horse spits out fire burned each sequence fort, where all those burned forest. Blinding dust, screaming crying as ri.
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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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In the year, the enemy to invade our country's concern. Grace is a powerful and cruel war, the head of the general grace is a named Yin Wang, this is a look and face is very fierce, the old, who are afraid to see. No matter they go to the enemy's village, they are damaged houses, robbery and murder, the elderly and children are not let go. Our army has fought many times, fighting heroes, but because the enemy is too strong and evil, so we can not win. Heroes are very worried about the king quickly sent messengers throughout the fields, the settlement in the country to find a good leader, to help the king to save the country from the victims of the invaders.An angel went to your mother's home village of NG GI today. The speaker's voice came, the king said to the angel, the need for a person to play devil, mother holding children GI Ng said, just tell me:- GI ng! I said GI ng slowly, know what time the new water GI ng helped drive out the enemy!I don't doubt that GI ng pop sound first:- you're going to run for the messenger to come in!Then GI ng did not say. Mother said GI ng saw me happy but afraid, she hurried to tell all the people in the village neighbors. We GI down to ng, everyone thought it was a strange thing. The last old man said:- we're going to see it.When the messenger of the king GI ng to see the child is very small, GI ng asked the messenger:You are three years old. The boy went to the new house. Did you know that you were going to fight? Did you invite me to come and give you a play on me?GI ng messenger replied: family furniture- you go back to the king to build a new one for me, an iron, an iron knife, an iron armor and a helmet, and we will defeat the enemy.Listening to people are surprised and strange, everyone thought that it was a fairy, God sent messengers to help people to help water see the strange non code speed immediately reported to move an Flicker king. When the angel starts by telling the story of the hero for joy king, king thought is a gift, but Wang Liji recruited the best blacksmith, collect all the other to create the best horse iron sword and armor and hats in the city boy GI ng proposal.When everything has been finished, required scores didn't lift up only their swords are too heavy, but dozens of soldiers with sword still. Wang Xiong must send a regiment of soldiers in 1000, as far as possible to send children to GI ng.When I hear the soldiers carried to Ma Tiedao, iron armor, in the village, the mother worried GI ng can't wait to run home. She just said out of breath.- my God! This is not playing war. Now the king has enough weapons, I know what I should do?Listen to me, GI ng came up and said:- in my mother assured, expel waikou, mother will not let me worry. But now I want you to eat more, so that I can fight.I saw a GI ng to GI ng, the big blow of the rice cooker to cook, but the number is not enough, GI ng pot to eat what breed. Eat a rice cooker, GI ng, and then a big, to her mother to eat. Eating GI ng blew up, GI ng as fast as GI ng after only a few dozen rice cookers, has become a robust young people's health.Because the GI ng too good to eat at home, do not have enough food to eat GI ng, mom went to the village of GI ng, called for help. People took the slaves with potatoes, Steamed Rice, pig, cattle, chicken, fruit cake to fill GI ng yard. But with many, these are gi ng VEO GI ng to eat, eat eat non-stop requirements.Then, Mr GI ng told me:- you're looking for a cloth for you to wear.The slave GI ng and GI ng to bring the number of sewing silk clothes. But because GI ng grew up in a strange clothes can be, so to see the tight, short, fine to use to connect more fast, high head GI ng extraordinary, GI ng to reach the roof. Now, soldiers with shields.
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