Dạ vâng , anh chị muốn mua loại xe gì ạ? mục đích bạn mua xe để làm gì? chúng tôi mua để sử dụng trong gia đình . tôi sẽ đi làm bằng oto và sẽ đưa vợ con tôi đi du lịch vào mùa hè. anh muốn sử dụng dòng xe gì ạ?
Yes, you want to buy, what type of car?the purpose of you buying the car what to do?We purchased for use in the family. I will go do by oto and takes his wife, I travel in the summer.I like to use the lineup?
Yes, brothers and sisters want to buy what kind of car you? Purpose you buy a car to do? We purchased for use in the home. I would go to work by car and will take my wife and children to travel in the summer. I want to use the car what?