Bước 4: Chuyển Phiếu xuất kho cho thủ kho tiến hành xuất vật tư, sản phẩm, hàng hóa; sau đó, ký vào Phiếu xuất kho rồi giao chứng từ lại cho kế toán vật tư.
Step 4: switch output Votes for storekeepers to conduct export supplies, products, goods; then, sign the Slip and output delivery of vouchers and accounting for supplies.
Step 4: Transfer Delivery orders for production conducted storekeepers materials, products or goods; then, to sign delivery bills and delivery of documents for accounting of supplies.
Step 4: the bill of lading to the warehouse manager for the production of goods, products, goods, and then, to sign the bill of lading documents to the accounting supplies.