Theo thảo luận giữa hai bên vào ngày 22/12/2016, hai bên đồng ý thanh lý hợp đồng phần mềm số HD201507033 ký ngày 20/07/2015, với nội dung chi tiết như sau:
Under discussion between the two sides on December 22, 2016, the two sides agreed to liquidate the software contract number HD201507033 signed on July 20, 2015, with details as follows:
According to discussions between the two sides on 22/12/2016, the two sides agreed to liquidate some software contracts signed on 07.20.2015 HD201507033, with details as follows:
In both discussions / December 22, 2016, the two sides agreed to clean up the software hd201507033 contract number / 07 months of 2015, 20, details are as follows: