Thirty days after implantation, FGF-SV40 transgenicmice were sacrificed with the use of an intraperitoneal injection of 800 mg/kg of chloral hydrate. The skull wasopened, and the brain was removed. The brain wasfixed in 10% formalin, and each brain was cut into 11(1-mm-thick coronal) sections. Sections were thenembedded in paraffin. The resulting paraffin blockswere sectioned with a microtome to produce 8-mmcross-sections, which were stained with hematoxylinand eosin (H&E) and were stained immunohistochemically for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). The tumorvolume was determined by measurement of the lengthand width of the tumor. The tumor volume at day n(TVn) was calculated as TV (cubic millimeters) 1/4(length × width2)/2. The relative tumor volume at dayn (RTVn) versus day 0 was expressed according to thefollowing formula: RTVn 1/4 TVn/TV0. Tumorregression [T/C (%)] in treated versus control micewas calculated using T/C (%) 1/4 (mean RTV of treatedgroup)/(mean RTV of control group) × 100. We calculated the tumor volume on the basis of the area of each othersection and the total coronal section thickness (1 mm)using a microscopy system (Olympus IX70).
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